Acupuncture is the Chinese art of medicine which involves the insertion of hair thin needles into the body at specified points to help treat a variety of acute and chronic conditions. Although acupuncture has been practiced for centuries it has gained more acceptance as an alternative treatment in Western medicine since the 1970s. Acupuncture is a safe and noninvasive alternative approach to addressing many healthcare needs.
What should I expect at my first visit?
Your practitioner will be taking a full history and perform a thorough physical exam. You and the practitioner will discuss a treatment plan and how many visits it may take to improve your condition. You will then undergo your initial acupuncture treatment. You can expect to spend at least 60 minutes with the practitioner.
Therapeutic Modalities
Acupuncture • Electro acupuncture • Auricular acupuncture
Cupping and Gua Sha
$100 dollars for the initial consultation and treatment.
Payment is expected at time of service.
Mission Statement
Our mission is to provide comprehensive patient-centered care by creating a balanced perspective of western and eastern medicine modalities. Our goal is to provide each patient with the tools and knowledge to improve their health and well-being.
What conditions can we help with?
Arthritis pain
Acute and chronic back pain
Anxiety and depression
Gastrointestinal diseases
Menstrual problem
Respiratory conditions
Smoking cessation
Frequently Asked Questions
Is acupuncture safe?
Acupuncture is safe. There is a risk of infection anytime a needle penetrates the skin. Only sterile, single-use needles are utilized in every treatment so this risk is minimized. Sometimes minor bruising and bleeding can occur at insertion sites. Occasionally some individuals who have never had acupuncture before may get a condition called “needle shock” upon insertion of the needle. The patient may feel lightheaded or nauseated. The needles would be removed when these symptoms occur and the patient generally recovers quickly. Usually this is only something that happens with the first acupuncture experience and does not prevent the patient from trying acupuncture again.
Is acupuncture covered by insurance?
Some insurance plans do cover certain acupuncture treatments. Doctor Cleary does not accept insurance but will provide an invoice so that you can submit to your insurance company.
Not accepting medicare patients at this time, we are looking into accepting medicare pateints in the near future, check back with us for updates.
Does acupuncture hurt?
Experiences can vary from the sensation of a small pin prick to not even feeling the needle being inserted. Once the needle is inserted the practitioner will try to contact the patient’s Qi (Chinese word for the body’s energy) and sometimes this can create a tingling or slight ache, which resolves quickly.
What should I expect at my first visit?
Your practitioner will be taking a full history and perform a thorough physical exam. You and the practitioner will discuss a treatment plan and how many visits it may take to improve your condition. You will then undergo your initial acupuncture treatment. You can expect to spend at least 60 minutes with the practitioner.
Who is a candidate for acupuncture?
Our clinic treats ages 5 and up. We do not treat pregnant patients. You should inform your doctor of all medications you take and if you have any implantable electronic devices such as pacemakers, spinal cord stimulators, etc.